
Ambient Occlusion

Ambient Occlusion - the idea behind AO for me has always been "well, if I can include that in my renders, I will really be the cream of the crop."  However... I never have really looked into it in a hard core kinda way.  Go figure.

So, embolded by my foray into SEM textures, I did a little looking.  And by a little, I mean about 20 minutes worth.  So, really little.  I am working on this crazy iBook thing...  In any case.  AO is nifty.

Obviously, this isn't anything special.  My hand model, with just a few thumb tendons and some ligaments.  But... I love the way AO looks.  My fellow medical artist, Leslie White, has done some really nifty AO renders of the head and neck that I just adore.  They look fantastic.  I'll post some of those soon.

So, I have my settings saved now. An AO texture that I can apply and render out for all of my models, bake it on, etc. I really wanted to be able to show you a non-AO model vs. one with AO... but that's not happening today.  I have had much too much to do to tweak anything anymore.  So, here's a comparison between final gather & global illumination vs. none.

The Goldilocks senario of FG & GI:
No FG & GI

Too much FG & GI

Much closer to 'just right.'

I'm still tweaking the settings, but it's getting to a much better point that it was just a few hours ago.  And if I can bake that type of light map onto the model, I can export it out into Unity and iBooks, etc, and make the models look 4000x better.  In the mean time, I have a ... few renders that look a little less like crap in the iBook now.

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