Well, it's been quite a while. I'll start catching up on what I've been doing this past month over the next couple of weeks or so. One of the things I've been working on is an update to the submersible scene that I've posted here before. I've updated some texturing, played with a few new camera angles, and put in some more dramatic lighting. Obviously, I'm not finished with it yet. Any comments or suggestions that you have, I would love to hear.
Just to re-iterate. The sub was originally built in 3Ds Max 2008 as part of a challenge I was unable to complete. I took it into Maya this semester to spiffy it up and add it into an animation. The scenes are rendered with Maya software when I could get away with it, Mental Ray for the first two scenes. Personally, I think it shows and I can't wait to actually have the time to let my computer render it out.
This was all keyed by hand rather than using any sort of dynamics system. I may change that in order to get a little bit more natural movement in the beginning. Animating the chain holding the sub up is proving to be a pain. I hope I can rig a hair system that will flow a bit better. I've done it before, but it's been a few years. I also need to add more animation and character to the last scene where we are following the sub. Not to mention that is an awfully barren sea floor, and those ruins are kinda pathetic. I have plans to continue to build that environment up so it is much richer.
I'll continue posting more on the animation front after I move across the country. Egads.