
Dog Anatomy 2

So, I'm back again with some more canine anatomy studies.  Today was also a study in the adage 'save often' - Photoshop crashed and took my entire skeleton and muscle system with it.  Go figure.  But, I recreated it in a much rougher form and I'm still going to share it.  These studies will eventually be turned into an actual dog.  I'm torn between an action pose and the sleeping pose for the final piece.

Sketching from a photo of Oshie.  Rough sketch.

Refined the rough sketch just a bit.

Grabbed some more skull references in addition to Ellengerger's Animal Anatomy book and drew in the skull.  Nothing was in the exact right pose, but I'm feeling a little better about canine skulls in general now.

I started to rough in the rest of the skeleton.  This is the last stage I had saved before the crash.  I ended losing all of the finished skeleton and most of the muscles.

 A much rougher overall skeleton to replace what I had lost.

A 15 minute color study of the skull.

A very fast muscle study again.

I'm just about ready to move on to a final pose.

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