
Sunrise Stanford

Hello all!  I have started a sister blog - Sunrise Stanford - designed to house just my daily photos of my walk to my building on Stanford campus.  And by 'started...' I mean back filled it so that all of the posts were on the correct days.  That was 81 posts to back-fill... A fair number. However, all of the photos taken thus far are up on that blog.

Photos from the most recent entry:

Most of you know this - but to get everyone on the same page - I only use my iPhone for this photojournal.  I have a set of lenses (from Photojojo) that stick onto my case using magnets to enhance some of the photos.  I tried to tag any posts that use one of those lenses- macro, 8x zoom, 2x zoom, wide angle, and fisheye.

This is where my photos will be living from now on - I'll work on how to best cross post for those that don't follow my blog, and I have a twitter handle started up just for those photos. I will attempt to avoid spamming this blog or the @anatamation twitter feed with the photos, although you can find a link to the most recent entries on the right....

In any case, Sunrise Stanford has it's own dedicated blog now. I hope you enjoy some representations of the beauty I see in the world around me.

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